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how to write
Letter of authorization?

To avoid the possibility of social private messages being blocked by unfamiliar messages, entrust suggestions to be sent to your mailbox.

[You can copy the following letter]​


Contact information:
Delegate type:
Commission content:
payment method:

Proofreading content:
Additional requirements:


  • Please write the title

​Please tell us how to address you.
Ex. Wang Aming, OOO team’s art editor Chen Xiaomei, OOO company director Chen Aqiang, non-public figures or company personnel can just write their names directly. If there is an official website, social platform and other contact information, please attach it together.


  • Delegate type

Please describe the required entrustment items and the entrusting party according to the entrustment price list, and indicate whether the entrustment is for commercial or non-commercial use.
※Student homework, R18, bloody violence and controversial themes will not be accepted.


  • amount budget

Please fill in your budget amount, mainly in New Taiwan dollars; if not, please write "no budget limit".
Ex. Single "Castle in the Sky" theme color background 1,5000~20,000, etc.


  • Dimensions

Please fill in your size and resolution requirements. If not, the default is 300pdi/B4 or it will be decided by the artist.

Recommended size of live broadcast room: 3840*2160px / resolution default 300pdi

Recommended sizes for printing: A4, A3, B5, B4 / Default resolution is 300pdi

  • Purpose

Please describe the purpose of the image, such as social platform promotion, pure gift giving, production of goods for sale, etc.
※As long as there is profit-making activity, it is a commercial commission.


  • Deadline

Please write down the latest deadline you can accept for delivery so that both parties can arrange a time period for the process. If there is no deadline limit, you can write "None" and the time will be arranged by the artist.

  • Commission content

Please be sure to describe the entrustment content in detail and attach relevant information including pictures and texts.
It is recommended to provide clear resolution images, which can be uploaded to the cloud drive for reference by painters/designers.


  • License

We all have the right to publish our works and include them in the artist's personal portfolio.
If the work cannot be made public after completion, the price will be *1.5~2 times.

If the entrustment requires a time limit, please explain it in advance. Works may not be modified, re-created or resold without asking. If you need to use the work outside the original scope, please ask in advance. Secondly, the artist himself will discuss the contract with the client.​


  • payment method

※The payment method is mainly open to the artist himself →Commission price list

If the case is filed for a company, you must provide a "labor remuneration slip" or explain in advance whether invoicing is required; payment can be made according to the company's schedule, but the process and time of disbursement must be explained in advance.


  • Proofreading content

The details are mainly based on the range determined by the artist himself. For details, please refer to the artist's own price list and contract content.

  • additional requirements

If the image needs to be made public when it needs to be made public, or if it needs to be converted into PSD files and divided into layers, etc., please be sure to inform us in advance. Disassembling and adding pictures can easily affect the quotation. If you don’t have any additional requirements, please skip it directly.

  • other

  1. Please focus on the artist's contract process. The remuneration can be given directly to the artist himself. Both parties must sign a contract.

  2. The artist's personal works are strictly prohibited from being fed to AI for learning reference. At present, the laws and related systems of the AI industry have not yet been perfected, and our works are strictly prohibited from being uploaded regardless of whether they have been bought out or not.

  3. If you still need to pay the full fee when the project is abandoned midway, the completed work, authorship and copyright will belong to the artist himself.

  • Not recommended for clients

excessive perfectionist
Ex. The draft, line draft, and final draft stages each have excessively detailed requirements. For example, a 0.1 centimeter difference between the fingers of the draft must be counted, or the draft must be as refined as the final draft, etc. If there are excessively detailed requirements, please do not entrust the work or adjust the price according to the work content.

Those who change back and forth
After finally finishing the project, we are suddenly asked to cancel it and redraw it. We are very unhappy about this and do not want to increase each other's workload and waste time.


Those who are in a hurry

Each painter has an individually arranged work schedule. If there is a special urgent request, you can find another entrusting unit, or adjust the price according to the content of the work.

Expired schedules, categories that we are not good at, too little information, vague requirements, unknown sources, urgent orders or complex content, etc. may also be the reasons why we are unable to accept the commission.

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